We recommend some hotels: their distance from venue is given. When booking the room, check the prices at the hotel reservation department because prices may vary.

Room rates are per night and include breakfast.

The Organising Committee is not responsible for booking of accommodation and hotel booking is NOT part of the workshop registration.

Hotel Room information

Hotel Campus ***  
Via Celso Ulpiani, 11/13, 70100, Bari
Phone: 0039 080 552 0805
email: info@campushotel.it

Single  35,00€
Double  55,00€
Three-bed  70,00€

Grand Hotel Leon d’Oro  ***
Piazza Aldo moro, 4, 70122, Bari
Phone: 0039 080 5235040
email: info@grandhotel-leondoro.it

Single  € 65,00

Double  € 90,001

Three-bed  € 115,00

Hotel Excelsior Bari ****
Via Giulio Petroni, 15, 70124,  Bari
Phone: 0039 080 556 43 66
email: info@excelsiorbari.it

Single  65,00€
Double  95,00€1
Three-bed  120,00€
Junior  135,00€

Hotel Adria ***
via Zuppetta, 10, 70121, Bari
Phone: 0039 080 5246699
email: info@adriahotelbari.com


 Single  75,00€
 Double  90,00€
Three-bed  105,00€

Residence Moderno  ***
Via Carafa, 20, 70124, Bari
Phone: 0039 080 5563633
email: residence@modernobari.com

 Single  45,00€
Double  60,00€
Three-bed  90,00€

Hotel Moderno  ***
Via Crisanzio, 60,  70122, Bari
Phone: 0039 080 5213 .313
email: hotel@modernobari.com

Single  € 64,00
Double  € 78,00
Three-bed  € 99,00

Hotel Costa ***  
Via Scipione Crisanzio, 12, 70122, Bari
(2.6 km)
Phone:0039 080 521 9015
email: info@hotelcostabari.com


Single  55,00€
Double  80,00€
Three-bed  100,00€
Four-bed  120,00€

Rondò Hotel  ***
Corso De Gasperi, 308, 70125, Bari
Tel: 0039 080 5023444
email: congressi@rondohotel.it

Single  € 75.00
Double  € 95.00
Three-bed  € 115.00

1 Double single use 75,00€

Please, check the Moovit web site for public transport.