IC Software License Agreement

The present LICENSE AGREEMENT is made between the Institute of Crystallography of Italian National Research Council (CNR), Bari, Italy (hereinafter “IC” ) and the User of the software (hereinafter “USER”).

The USER agrees with the following conditions:

  1. The software is free of charge to academic and non-profit researchers for non-commercial use only, subject to the condition that its use is acknowledged in all publications which report results obtained by using the software, as, for example, crystal structures solved using it.

  2. The sofware uses the GTK libraries which are distributed under the GPL (GNU General Public License).

  3. The software is normally freely distributed via the present web site. On request, it can be distributed via alternative way, provided that USER has to cover possible shipping expenses.

  4. Any modification to the software supplied by or in behalf of IC will be covered by the terms of the present AGREEMENT.

  5. IC declines any responsibility for limits regarding the software and its documentation or for any liabilities or claims arising from its use.

  6. IC is under no obligation whatsoever to correct errors nor to notify the USER of errors in the software. Whenever practicable such errors will be corrected and/or the USER notified.

  7. The USER may, on his own initiative, make modifications to the software, subject to the following conditions:

The USER will notify IC of the modifications where practicable;

The USER will provide IC with full details of the modifications if so requested;

IC will clearly show in the distribution of such modifications the authorship of the modification itself;

The intellectual property of the modification will remain to IC, which will have the right to distribute it to other institutions under the same terms of the original software.

  1. The software will not be distributed to any third party without written permission of IC.

  2. The software User’s guide may be freely distributed to USER’s co-workers.